For the organization of events related to the P20, the Chamber of Deputies is seeking partnerships. Those interested in contributing as partners can obtain information and submit proposals via email at
The objective of the partnerships shall be the execution of the 1st Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of the P20, which will be held on July 1st and 2nd, 2024, in Maceió/AL, as well as the meeting of the 10th P20 Summit, scheduled to take place in November 2024, in Brasília/DF.
Examples of partnerships include: organization and funding of cultural activities; funding of representative gifts of Brazilian culture (such as local handicrafts) to be distributed to foreign delegations and other guests; and hospitality (such as transportation services, provision or funding of physical space, provision of materials and equipment, accommodation, reception, meals, translation, and entertainment activities).
Partnerships with civil society organizations will be formalized through a Cooperation Agreement, in accordance with Law n. 13.019/2024. Other interested individuals and private legal entities may express interest, subject to the terms of Decree No. 9.764/2019. In this case, partnerships will be formalized through a donation contract. In any case, partnerships will not involve any type of financial transfer between the parties or payment by the Chamber of Deputies.
An informative mention about the partnership entered into will be authorized in the media of the interested party, as well as the disclosure of the partnership in promotional material and at the event venues, according to the guidelines defined by the Chamber of Deputies for each case.